

Warmth. Heat. Light. Iceland?

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From one crime scene (thanks for turning Lower Manhattan into your own natural CSI, Sandy) to another, ER’s @ Iceland Airwaves 2012!

Yea last time I was here, I walked away on crutches thanks to the criminally lovely cobblestone streets around Laugevegur. But fear not. Torn ligaments all recovered and ready to give it another – an absolute music overload. No kidding around, there seem to be audio jacks in every coffee shop, toilet, and hot dog stand in Reykjavik this weekend.


We’ve got a plethora of goodies for you all this weekend from one of the best (THE best?) music festivals in the world, including:

And much, much more!  Stay tuned, as we’ll be loading you up with pics, posts, interviews, audio clips, and much more.  I’ll be gettin you the goods at least a couple of times a day (as the gods of Wifi allow).

Now I would tell myself to break a leg with this coverage but seriously. Been there, done that.  Only on –

– Diggs

Music. City.

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